The National Abolition Hall of Fame and Museum (NAHOF) will present Black History Matters, a series of twenty-eight virtual introductory short “crash courses” during the month of February 2021. The Black History Matters videos will address various aspects of Black American history and culture in order to provide critical context for the ongoing racial justice movements and the persistence of racism in America. The Black History Matters program is the first of NAHOF’s series of virtual history and anti-racism programs.
The public is encouraged to partake of these free sessions beginning Monday, February 1 and concluding February 28, 2021. No registration is required for these free sessions. Those who view the Black History Matters videos and complete a survey about their experience will receive a certificate from the Peterboro Academy and an annual membership to the National Abolition Hall of Fame and Museum. For more information and access to the Black History Matters programs: www.nationalabolitionhalloffameandmuseum.org.