James Brewer Stewart PhD, professor emeritus at Macalester College MN, has done a deep dive to address white supremacy after the Civil War. Dr. Stewart introduces sixteen “mini lectures” Historical Tonic for Fragile White Folks that are six to fifteen minutes long in a casual talk style while sitting on a couch. Stewart sees his videos as a way to challenge the “historical amnesia” that exists about white supremacy. He intends to help people see this neglected history as it truly was and to own that history. Tim McLaughlin PhD, Vice-president of NAHOF and professor emeritus Cazenovia College wrote, “This series introduces its intended white audience to the historical role of whites in creating and sustaining a system of racial supremacy from Reconstruction to 1960 with the aim of getting the audience to “do the right thing” and “stand up” for African Americans.” In that the TONIC series pairs with Black History Matters, NAHOF will present Dr. Stewart’s “mini-lectures” the first days of March 2021.
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