"Anti-racism" is different from "not being racist.” Because media representations, social systems and institutions enfranchise white people and entrench racism, being simply "not racist" allows the continuation of these racist ideas and structures. Anti-racism focuses on how to actively deconstruct and dismantle these racist ideas and structures. Delving into anti-racism for the first time can be intimidating, and the most common fears NAHOF hears are worries about not knowing enough, saying the wrong thing, or not knowing where to start. Erin Burke will use a short video which will signpost to ideas, resources, and actions to help become anti-racist.
Erin Burke, former NAHOF Upstate Institute Fellow, holds degrees in History (BA) and Museum Education (MSc) from Colgate University and the University of Glasgow. She is now based in Glasgow where she works at the Scottish Civic Trust (SCT) as their Communications and Events Officer. She has a focus on inclusive communications and a passion for making Scotland’s heritage more representative of and accessible to all. She is also responsible for the Civic Trust’s recently released anti-racism policy. In addition to her work at SCT, Erin works alongside peers in 20+ heritage organizations to run a national campaign to increase the number and diversity of heritage volunteers in Scotland.
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